Employment FAQ, Employment Staffing Agencies
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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does this work?
    Many executives who have used self-initiated targeted mailing originally tried the other ways to find a job that you may have. It didn't work for them either. We believe the methods we use to give candidates exposure to the largest possible market of employers are the most effective means to an interview and potential job. When you conduct your job search through Employment Authority, you have the luxury of approaching every employer that matches your interest in every area of the world where you are interested in working. The services we provide empower you to perform a more pro-active, expansive job search that will greatly increase your chances of finding the executives job that you want. If you use a job posting board or a recruiter, you will have reduced your exposure to a fraction of the employers available through Employment Authority.

  2. How many employers are in Employment Authority's database?
    We have millions of contacts in our database. This includes corporations, associations, ventures, and many other miscellaneous types of employers. If there is an organization that employs business executives in the United States, the chances are extremely good they are in our database.

  3. Why should I spend money on Employment Authority when I can do all this myself?
    You can do it yourself. You can go the library, subscribe to more than 50 directories and newspapers, call each employer and get the name of the people in charge of making decisions, and write it all down. Then you can input all this information into a database and then you can update that information on a daily basis seven days a week. If you think this is easy, think again: We have more than forty people doing this for us on a daily basis in both the United States and abroad.

    Then, while trying to hold down a full-time job, you can create and revise an effective executives cover letter and resume that will draw any employer's attention. Don't forget to have your friends (are they experts on cover letters and resumes?) proofread your resume and give you editing suggestions. After you have perfected your executives resume, you can print out hundreds of cover letters, resumes, and envelopes on a laser printer, and then, finally sign, stamp and mail all of those letters. Hopefully, you will have reached every possible employer that matches your interests. This could take you a week, it could take you four months, or you might never finish the task.

    Or you could call us.

  4. How much will this cost me?
    The cost is up to you and it depends on how expansive you want your executives job search to be. There are no hidden charges. We charge $1.95 for every employer for whom we prepare resumes, cover letters and envelopes. When you consider that each interview you receive will have cost you less than a coffee at Starbucks, you can see that our service is worth every penny. Click here for the details about the pricing.

  5. What about getting a job through a job posting board on the Internet?
    In our job, we speak with hundreds of legal executives each month. The number of these executives who have found legal employment from a posting on the Internet is dismally small.

    There are several reasons the Internet is not the best source for executives jobs.

    i. The Internet allows for overwhelming responses to every job posting.
    If an employer is posting a job online, they will likely receive hundreds, or even thousands, of responses. You will be competing with every job-seeker with a computer who can email a resume.

    ii. At least 50% of the jobs on posting boards online are outdated.
    The employers who use the Internet as a source to find resumes generally use it as a secondary tool to hands-on, offline recruiting and resume searching. Consequently, when a job is filled, many employers forget to remove or delete the jobs they have posted throughout the many posting boards. This would put you in the possible position of applying for an executive job that has been filled since 1999!

    iii. No single source of jobs on the Internet is complete.
    You may need to review more than 50 job websites just to find 1/10th of all the jobs out there. Simply put, this is an ineffective way to search for a job. By using Employment Authority, you can approach all of the employers in a given market very quickly and cost-effectively. Alternatively, you can keep checking job-posting boards for weeks or months until an executive job that looks good comes along and then hope you stand out among the numerous resumes sent to the employer.

  6. What Makes Employment Authority So Unique?
    We give you the tools to perform the most effective job search, but you remain in control of every aspect. With the use of our database of employers and our team of experts reviewing your executive resumes and cover letters, you will be able to realize your full job hunt potential.

  7. How expansive should my job search be?
    In a market as small as the San Francisco Bay Area, we have well over 1000 employers. Should you approach them all? It will ultimately be your decision. You would think that if you wanted to work in a market as small as the San Francisco, you would not need to approach 1000 employers. The problem is that getting an executive position is very numbers driven. The more employers you approach, the more likely you are to get an interview, and the more likely you are to get a job offer. This does not mean that you need to send out such a high volume of letters in your specific job search. In some cases, we may recommend you only send out 25 or less. However, the more options you have, the more likely you are to find a great executive position that matches your qualifications and skills. And that is really the essence of becoming a client of Employment Authority: You are in charge of determining your career destiny.

  8. I know what it takes to get a good job and do not need anyone else's assistance.
    This reminds us of one of our employees, who was having a problem with his old Mercedes diesel car recently that, for whatever reason, he refuses to get rid of. The engine was running really rough and so he went to an auto parts store with the idea that he could fix the car himself. He saw something that was in a can and claimed it would make his engine run smoother if he put it into the engine. Now he spent a lot of time reading that can and decided that the problems it claimed it could solve were exactly what he car needed. He poured the contents into the engine and drove the car for a week and there was no improvement.

    The next thing he did was go to the neighborhood gas station where the mechanics worked on cars frequently but knew very little about diesels. He went to the mechanic because they had fixed his wife's car and she told him that she believed the mechanics were "nice". The mechanics worked on his car for two days and when he got the car back, $400 later, it ran a bit smoother - but not much. The mechanic told him they had done the best they could but that it was an old car and he should just get a new one.

    After a few days the problem was even worse than when he had first taken it to the mechanic. He then drove the car to a Mercedes dealership. After five minutes with the mechanic, he was told that a small part that cost $3.00 had come loose from the engine. The mechanic produced a screwdriver and tightened up the part and there was no charge. The car had not run so smooth in years.

    What's the moral of the story? Don't you think our employee would have been better off if he had approached an expert from the beginning? This problem is no different from how a lot of people go about finding jobs. They call a recruiter that may have five jobs matching their interests, they search job-posting boards, and they call a few friends. These tactics cannot compete with Employment Authority, since we can track down every employer in any area of the United States instantly. Our business is getting people the market exposure to get more interviews and more job offers. It is what we do. You can try the solution in a can, but if you want your executive career to run smoothly, come to the experts.

  9. Can Employment Authority help me even if I have been working and searching for a job for a long time?
    Yes. We can help people who are still in business school, and we can help large firm partners or middle managers who have been practicing for more than 25 years. Our employment advocates will work with you to tailor your job search for your specific needs and experience.

  10. Will you follow up with me after I send out my resumes and cover letters?
    Yes. We will contact you on a regular basis for three months after your targeted mailing to inquire as to your progress. Whether you are a seasoned executive or a business school student, we will ask you to let us know where you received positive responses, which employers granted interviews, and which employers were unresponsive. Our relationship will not end with the mailing. We will assist you in any way we can until we are satisfied that you have the best possible chance for employment. You will never feel neglected.

  11. Will I be successful if I don't follow your job search recommendations?
    We have seen many clients succeed, and we have seen a few fail. Those who have failed are generally those who did not follow our recommendations. If you are going to get interviews, you will be much better served by conducting an expansive search rather than a narrow search. Nevertheless, a narrow search is an effective method in some circumstances, and we will always recommend it in those particular circumstances. When we make recommendations about your executive career potential, the only factor we consider is the chance of your success. If you are successful, then we are successful. If you are happy, we are happy.

  12. How does Employment Authority stay current on its data?
    We make thousands of inquiries a month to ensure our data is as perfect as possible. We get our data from hundreds of sources and are constantly updating it seven days a week. Since our database undergoes numerous changes each day, we are able to maintain very current contact information. Nevertheless, companies go out of business, public interest organizations lose funding, businesses change addresses … and so forth. Any targeted mailing will potentially result in some returned letters. If any of your letters are returned, we will reissue you corrected letters or, if that proves impossible, we will gladly offer a refund for those returned letters.

  13. Who are the letters addressed to?
    If possible, we provide letters addressed to the person in charge of hiring-whether it is the hiring partner or general counsel, for example. When we do this, the letter and resume is often forwarded to an HR department and you can rest assured that HR will pay attention to something forwarded from the Hiring Partner or General Counsel, for example. In some situations, the name of the Hiring Partner or General Counsel is transitory or unclear, and the letters will be addressed directly to the Human Resources Department Head or Hiring Department Head.

  14. Should I mail my letters all at once or over a period of days or weeks?
    You need to remember that your executive job search is very similar to an auction. Why would you want to conduct an auction over a period of weeks or months when you could start the process in one day? You will be much better off having all of your options on the table at one time rather than over a period of months.

  15. Is there a risk in using Employment Authority?
    We cannot promise that you will get a single interview, but we will try our hardest to secure your success in the executive job search. Your chances of getting interviews with an expansive, targeted mailing are high, but there are no guarantees in life.

  16. What if I want to be in a specific area of the country? Can Employment Authority help me?
    People who call us are often extremely surprised by how many executive positions there are in any given area. If we asked you how many employers there were in Delaware, would you guess that we could send your resumes to more than 350?

  17. What is the most important thing to remember about Employment Authority?
    Finding a executive job is no easy task. One major mistake is under-marketing yourself. At Employment Authority, we help you expand the market for your career to its maximum potential, and we stick by you through the whole process until you are satisfied.

Sign up for a "Free, No Obligation Resume Critique" and "Free Market Evaluation". Let us tell you how much potential you have!


Forbes Reports 151,352 Layoffs for January Itself; Employment Authority Proposes Alternative Job Search Approach

This column is sponsored by Granted, America’s top job search engine. The Career Resources column is presented by Granted, America's leading job search engine dedicated to getting people jobs.

Forbes Reports 151,352 Layoffs for January Itself; Employment Authority Proposes Alternative Job Search Approach

Pasadena, CA — According to a compilation by Forbes recently, there were 151,352 layoffs at America’s 500 largest public companies in the month of January. MORE

"There are always vacancies. Organizations are born, organizations expand, workers become restless, quit, change jobs, move, become ill long-term, or become handicapped, retire, or die. There are always jobs out there waiting to be filled. The fact that you can't find those jobs only means the vacancy hasn't been advertised, or you're not using the right method to find it. When the Internet or job-postings, or agencies, or ads, or resumes, don't work, there are other ways of turning up the job you want. So, if you're coming up 'empty,' you need to change the search method you've been using. ... To speed up your search for one of the jobs that are out there, go after many different organizations, instead of just one or two."

- Richard N. Bolles
  What Color is Your Parachute?

$1,000 Guarantee
Resume Preparation
Capture the interest of senior-level executives in less than 10 seconds. Stimulate their desire to read your resume. MORE
What Our Clients Are Saying
Only 3 days after the mailing-3 interviews! I graduated a little while ago and I was getting kind of desperate for my first job to finally happen - the anticipation was killing me.
- Ben

I got two more calls today. This is so incredible. And ****** just sent me a letter today, asking me to call and interview as well. I've done a lot of targeted mailing before. I have never had any sor...
- Philip

You did such a good job last time, I would like you to do it again, but this time I would like to get more specific and I would like to send it to a different region. After talking to several people i...
- S.G.

For Employers
Employment Authority's Comprehensive Executive Outplacement Program
Give your executives the most opportunities. MORE

Deduct Our Services

You may be able to claim all of your expenses in your job search, including costs related... MORE

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Employment Research Institute

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it, you will land among the stars.